One of our awesome Evansville customers alerted us to this phone scam yesterday:
“Just a heads up on a scam phone call that was received this morning from Seth at (location).
Seth answered a call and the person on the other end told Seth that he was with Emergency 24 and they were receiving a break-in alarm from our business and if he could give them his security code then they could clear it on their end.
Obviously Seth immediately realized that this was out of place and he had never heard of this company and he refused to give them any info. Once he told them this, they said “nevermind we’ll handle it”
The number that they called from was a 773 area code and the number goes back to an unnamed telemarketer with dozens of complaints filed against it.
Please share this info with any employees who may answer the phone from time to time and be sure that they route any questionable call like this to a manager.
Not sure what a company or an individual could gain through our security system but with all of the technology and electronic viruses in place – we want to keep ourselves protected as well as possible.
Great job Seth on handling this correctly and then spreading the word so we are all aware.”
We also don’t know the intent of this phone scam. But, please share this to alert other businesses and residences!