For Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, (L.E.A.D.), Team Sonitrol thanks our amazing law enforcement officers serving our communities. To show our appreciation, our Evansville and Muncie locations delivered cookies from Granola Jar and cupcakes from Charmed Cupcake Company to various police departments and sheriff departments in our regions. Without the partnership Sonitrol has with our law enforcement officers, we couldn’t do what we do to protect businesses. THANK YOU, officers!
Wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, K9 Doc!
We won’t have a chance to catch up with our favorite K9 Officer, Doc, and his human, Officer John Montgomery this weekend, but we want to say HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY to K9 Doc! Here is a throwback photo from his last birthday. Once upon a time, Sonitrol was privileged to help EPD add Doc to their team and honored to name him after Sonitrol of Evansville’s own founder, Dr. William “Doc” Standring. Since then, we’ve enjoyed watching this dynamic duo, K9 Doc and Officer Montgomery, fight crime and keep our community safe. We appreciate you both, and we hope you have a fun birthday, K9 Doc!
Six arrests linked to $1 million in stolen motorcycles
Six men apprehended when our Sonitrol monitoring team dispatched Evansville Police Department to Harley-Davidson last spring have been linked to a St. Louis-based biker gang. These men are responsible for over $1 million in stolen motorcycles according to the United States Secret Service.
When Sonitrol’s impact activated audio alarm went off, our Central Station operators dispatched police. EPD’s K9 Officer Jeremy Matthews and his K9 partner located the suspects, and multiple EPD officers assisted with the arrests.
It is interesting to note as you read the article linked below that according to news sources, this same gang is possibly linked to another Harley-Davidson store in Tennessee, where just a few days before the arrests in Evansville, three motorcycles were stolen. Authorities have linked cases in Missouri and Illinois to the gang as well. While it is unfortunate that the thieves in those other states got away with stolen merchandise, we are so happy our local Harley-Davidson store chose Sonitrol to provide our innovative alarm technology to their business.
Securing our community and catching criminals is our mission. We are proud to work with police to secure commercial properties, and we know Sonitrol’s founder would enjoy this report. After all, Sonitrol alarms were created from the partnership of a police officer who was tired of responding to false alarms and his inventor friend. Together, they created alarms that would CATCH INTRUDERS before they could get away.
Way to go, EPD and our Sonitrol monitoring team. Call us for a FREE quote if you’d like to hear how we can protect your property at (800)444-1191. Read the news update about the biker gang here.
High school apprehension alert!
Team Sonitrol would like to give a shout out to EPD for their recent apprehension at a local high school in the middle of the night. When operator Liz received an alarm at our Central Station, she dispatched police to the location. Officer Hallmark and Officer Pape made the apprehension inside the building. Other responding law enforcement included Officer Matthews and his K9 partner, Bohdan, Sgt. Deeg, Officers Reed, Gorman, Grimes, Cooper, Dockery, and Stepro. Flavia took cookies from the Granola Jar and a knife to Officer Pape, cookies to third shift, as well as a gift for K9 Bohdan. Pictured in photo one: Flavia and Officer Nicholas Pape. Photo two: Officers Gorman, Grimes, and Reed. Picture three (borrowed from EPD’s photos): Officer Matthews and K9 Officer Bohdan. GREAT WORK, Evansville Police Department and Liz!
#SonitrolPlusPolice #ApprehensionAlert #VerifiedAlarms #EPD
Apprehension Appreciation for EPD!
APPREHENSION APPRECIATION! Sonitrol of Evansville salutes the law enforcement officers involved in multiple apprehensions at facilities we monitor this past May: Bud’s Harley- Davidson, Cedar Hall Elementary, and River City Pawn.
Bud’s Harley-Davidson:
K9 Officer Jeremy Matthews and his K9 partner tracked and located the suspects, who had fled to a vehicle nearby, after they had broken a window and gained entry to Bud’s Harley-Davidson. Multiple officers from the squad assisted, and six suspects were apprehended!
Cedar Hall Elementary:
Officer Grimes and Officer DeBlanc arrived first on scene at Cedar Hall Elementary and located the suspect, who had gained entry through a door that triggered the alarm. Other officers arrived to assist, but according to their Sergeant, Grimes and DeBlanc had the situation under control and the suspect in custody.
River City Pawn:
Officer Blair and Officer Mansfield were the arresting officers at River City Pawn after Sonitrol dispatched on a video alarm where our operator saw the suspect gain access to the roof before entering the building. Sergeant Saltzman, Officer Adams, K9 Officer Ross, and his K9 partner were on scene assisting as well!
It’s not easy tracking these hard-working officers and their K9s down since they are so busy keeping Evansville safe, but last night during third shift roll call, Team Sonitrol’s Flavia took toys and treats for the K9 officers and sandwiches from Subway for the human heroes. Pictured with Flavia are Officer Grimes, Officer Mansfield, and Officer Blair. THANK YOU, EVANSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT, for keeping our community safe!
Faster Police response with Sonitrol!
So often, traditional alarm companies rely on motion detector systems to “protect” your business. But not only do criminals know how to tip toe around motion detectors and stay out of their range of monitoring, motion detection can be unreliable and cause false alarms for police.
When police are dispatched on a Sonitrol alarm, they know our twenty-four-hour monitoring team isn’t wasting their time on yet another false alarm. Our highly skilled team can determine if an incident is occurring and make the right call about dispatching police.
With Sonitrol’s Verified Monitoring, our Central Station operators can listen-in the moment the impact-activated audio alarm is triggered, even outside your business. This means if a criminal is attempting to enter through a door, window, roof, or making noise outside the facility, our audio sensors will detect the activity. Our operators can hear voices and pinpoint their location and provide this information to responding law enforcement.
If intruders have gained entry to the facility, our operators can continue to share these details with officers on the way. Also, our alarms are silent, so criminals won’t have time to get away before the police arrive, helping police catch more criminals.
Sonitrol alarms receive a faster police response than traditional alarms because we can verify a break-in and provide police with real-time information, which increases officer safety. Call us today for a free security consultation with a security design specialist at (800)444-1191.
Six apprehensions at Harley-Davidson!
Over the holiday weekend, Sonitrol and EPD were busy fighting crime. At around 3 a.m. on Memorial Day, our Central Station operator, Chaz, received an impact activated audio alarm at a local Harley-Davidson motorcycle shop Sonitrol protects.
Chaz immediately dispatched law enforcement, who were able to apprehend six people who had entered the building after breaking a window in a door to gain entry. A K9 officer located the suspects who had fled to hide nearby in a vehicle. The police not only apprehended the intruders, but all merchandise was recovered.
With a verified alarm from Sonitrol, you can trust our team will keep an eye on your property twenty-four-hours a day and alert authorities to any potential threats. Way to go Evansville Police Department! And nice work, Chaz!
Read the local news story here: Six Arrested at Harley-Davidson
Apprehension made before suspect gains entry!
Just the other night, our Central Station operator, Allison, dispatched police on a Sonitrol video alarm we monitor for a local pawn shop. When you place your business protection in our hands, our twenty-four-hour monitoring team will be notified the moment there is any disturbance at your property. Our skilled operating team relays this information to the business owner the moment someone attempts to access the property, and if necessary, dispatches police, so you can rest easy.
Our team not only dispatches law enforcement but will provide critical details to the officers as they race to the scene. In this incident, Allison was able to give responding law enforcement officers descriptions, including the shorts and tennis shoes the person was wearing, as well as their specific location outside the property.
Unlike many traditional alarms police might respond to, officers won’t be walking in blindly when they respond to a verified Sonitrol alarm, which increases officer safety. Evansville Police Department officers were able to apprehend the suspect, who had gained access to the roof, before they could enter the building.
If you’d like to hear how a verified Sonitrol alarm can protect your property, call us today for a FREE security assessment at (800) 444-1191. Great job, Allison and EPD!
One apprehended by Sonitrol and EPD!
Shortly after midnight this past weekend, Central Station operator, Chaz, received a door alarm at a local elementary school monitored by Sonitrol and dispatched police. Evansville Police Department apprehended the suspect, who had gained entry because of a faulty door latch.
When our Central Station receives an alarm, they can provide specific details to responding law enforcement officers, such as which area or what door was disturbed. If it is an audio alarm, they can listen to live feed and relay what they hear to the officers driving to the scene. With a Sonitrol alarm that has audio and video verification, our team can give descriptions from live video footage as well. This capability to give law enforcement more information increases officer safety. Our law enforcement won’t just be walking into a business with a break-in without any information.
Verified Sonitrol alarms really do protect properties, and when police respond to a Sonitrol alarm, they know they aren’t chasing after yet another false alarm. Way to go, Chaz and EPD!
Happy Birthday, EPD Officer K9 Doc!
Sonitrol’s favorite officer, EPD K9 Doc, (named in honor of our founder, Doc Standring), is celebrating his 7th birthday today! We want to say thank you to K9 Doc’s human, Officer John Montgomery, and the Southern Indiana Police Canine Association Inc., for visiting us at Sonitrol this morning. We loved seeing K9 Doc playing with his new toys, and we hope you have a great day patrolling Evansville and serving our community. Join us in wishing K9 Doc the happiest of birthdays!