Over the weekend, our Central Station team detected an intrusion in progress at a warehouse we monitor. Central Station operator, Allison, dispatched Muncie Police Department, who were able to apprehend the suspect. Way to go, MPD and Allison! Call us for a FREE security design consultation to secure your commercial facility at (800)444-1191.
Great work, Owensboro Police Department!
Recently, Sonitrol operator, Liz, dispatched on an alarm at a business we secure, and Owensboro Police Department apprehended two suspects who had broken into the building. To offer our appreciation, Jessica visited Owensboro Police Department last night to deliver gifts and cookies from The Granola Jar. Pictured from left to right: Jessica, Officer Austin Esther, Officer Ben Campbell, Officer Matt Forker, and Officer Tristan Patterson. Great work, Officers!
Two suspects apprehended!
Two intruders were apprehended! In the middle of the night, our Central Station operator, Liz, detected an intrusion and dispatched on a door alarm to a local business we secure. Owensboro Police Department responded and apprehended two suspects who had broken into the building. Great job, Liz! Great job, OPD! Sonitrol alarms and law enforcement make the best team to secure your commercial property. Contact us to secure your property at (800)444-1191.
Suspect Apprehended!
Shortly after midnight, our Central Station operator, Chaz, received an audio alarm and picked up sounds against the door of a pharmacy we monitor. He immediately dispatched police as he recognized the sounds of a break-in attempt. He accessed the video cameras and alerted responding officers that two suspects were inside the store, one in a hoodie. While one suspect evaded police, the other was apprehended, and all the merchandise was recovered by police, leaving only a damaged door.
With Sonitrol’s Impact Audio Alarms, EARLY DETECTION prevents intruders from breaking in and getting away with inventory. Though suspects eventually gained entry, because of our technology and team, the police were already on their way to the scene. When you pair your Audio Alarm with Video access, in this case, our SonaVision system, our team can provide further information to responding police, such as suspect locations and apparel. Contact us today to secure your commercial property at (800)444-1191. GREAT JOB, Chaz and Henderson Police Department! Check out some of the video to see what Chaz saw. (Some of the video we had to leave out for privacy).
Apprehension Video on our Facebook page
The leader in alarms!
Sonitrol Security is a local, family-owned business serving the Tri-State area since 1969, specializing in commercial alarms. We own our local Central Station, right here in Evansville, where our operators monitor alarms 24/7. Our services include verified video and audio alarms, DVRs and cameras, access control, UL fire systems, panic buttons, medical pendants, and gunshot detection. Sonitrol is the third largest commercial alarm company in North America and is trusted by police. We have an apprehension rate of over 180,000 criminals. For a free quote call us at (800)444-1191. Rest easy knowing your business is protected with the leader in alarms, Sonitrol Security.
Another building secured!
After receiving a door alarm late at night at a local business we monitor, followed by sounds of someone moving around throughout the building, our Central Station operator, DJ, dispatched police. EPD located the person who allegedly entered the building while under the influence and was looking for a bathroom. While no arrests were made, the person was given a citation and the building was secured. When your business is protected with a Sonitrol alarm, there is no need to worry about after hours break-ins. Our operators and local law enforcement make a great team! Call us for a free quote at (800)444-1191 to protect your business.
Suspect apprehended!
Late last night, our Central Station operator, Chaz, received an audio alarm from a business we secure. Our unique audio detection technology picks up noises on the outside of the building, and Chaz heard what sounded like banging on the door. Sure enough, local law enforcement arrived on the scene and apprehended the suspect, who seemed to have been under the influence. Sonitrol’s audio detection allows apprehensions to be made even before suspects gain entry into a business. Nice job, Chaz and police! Call us for a free quote at (800)444-1191, so we can protect your property.
Our alarms catch the criminals.
Sonitrol’s unique technology enables our twenty-four-hour monitoring team to verify a break-in, while providing responding law enforcement with details in real-time.
Most alarm companies depend on motion-detector technology, which means an intruder can find a nonconventional entry point, such as a roof, wall, or A/C unit, (it has happened), and bypass the door contacts. Once inside, they can estimate the range of the motion detectors and sneak about the store undetected. If they do set off a motion detector, the alarm will trigger, allowing them to steal what they want and get away before the police respond.
Unlike these mainstream companies, Sonitrol uses audio detectors, which have microphones that pick up any noises or disturbances in your store. Let’s say the intruders decide to beat against the wall, roof, or door. Before they have even broken in, the impact-activated audio detectors will notify our monitoring team, who can in turn begin listening to the audio in real-time. Our alarms are silent, so while the intruders are still attempting to enter the store, unbeknownst to them, our team has already verified the alarm and has dispatched law enforcement. Just last year, our audio detection technology and our monitoring team assisted police in apprehending six criminals who were trying to rob our local Harley-Davidson motorcycle store. The criminals left in handcuffs, and no merchandise was stolen.
Call us today to meet with one of our professional and courteous security design consultants at (800)444-1191. We would be honored to secure your store with a verified Sonitrol alarm.
Verified audio vs. traditional alarm
Using innovative audio sensors and verified technology, Sonitrol provides 100% coverage of your commercial property. This means, we provide floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall protection. Here are a few reasons to consider a Verified audio alarm from Sonitrol vs. a traditional alarm:
- Traditional alarms often rely on motion detectors, which leave areas unprotected. Criminals may plan an intrusion in advance, allowing them to find an unconventional method of entry and simply tip toe around the motion detectors they scoped out. It has been known to happen. However, with Sonitrol, our audio sensors detect any disturbance in your business and can’t simply be tiptoed around. If the bad guys are trying to break-in or have gotten inside the building, they will make noise, and our monitoring team will hear them.
- In the event of an alarm, our Central Station monitoring team will listen-in via the audio sensors and determine if a break-in is occurring and dispatch police. Traditional alarms can be set off by something as simple as a mouse, meaning they will dispatch police to an alarm without knowing if a break-in is really happening, and often for no actual break-in. This leaves responding police frustrated at the false alarm and leaves the business with the city’s false alarm fees to pay.
- In the very unlikely event of a false alarm on one of our accounts, Sonitrol will pay the city’s false alarm fees for you.
- Our ability to verify alarms helps us have the lowest false alarm rates and the fastest police response. With our advanced audio technology and our highly skilled team of men and women at our local Central Station monitoring location, we can determine a true break-in and alarm, so police know they are headed to a real alarm.
- Sonitrol has the highest documented apprehension rate compared to traditional alarm companies. With over 182,700 apprehensions and counting, Sonitrol is a name you can trust to protect your business.
When looking for an alarm company, choose one that provides 100% coverage of your business and has a proven record of catching intruders. Call Sonitrol today for a free quote with a security design consultant at (800)444-1191.
Trusted by police
Why do police trust Sonitrol?
- Sonitrol alarms are reliable.
- The false alarm rate of conventional systems can reach 98 percent. Sonitrol’s ability to immediately verify an alarm keeps our false alarm rate low.
- Sonitrol detects a break-in while an intruder is still attempting to gain entry-no matter where the entry point is-roof, window, door, or wall.
- As soon as an alarm signal is received, our Central Station operators confirm activity, verify the alarm, and dispatch law enforcement.
- Operators provide entry points, suspect locations, and suspect descriptions to responding law enforcement. No other system gives police such accurate, up-to-the minute information as they rush to the scene.
Sonitrol has a high apprehension rate, (182,700 criminals and counting), a low false alarm rate, and provides increased safety for police officers. Call us today at (800)444-1191 to be protected by an alarm company trusted by police.