Finding a daycare provider is one of the most important choices a parent will make for their child. Parents look for daycares, that are close to their home and employment while creating an educational and healthy atmosphere for their children.
If you have chosen to tackle this mountain of responsibility and become a childcare provider, you understand that this is much more than just a babysitting job. Along with the regular business items like obtaining the proper licenses, dealing with payroll and paying taxes, there is also the responsibility of being a nurturing caregiver to several children, who all come with their own little personalities and quirks. With all this responsibility how can installing a fire and security system help your business?
Intrusion systems
– A simple security system will keep your daycare secure from would be burglars at night. But what can it do for you during the day? Sometimes, big people problems, come with the little people you have in your care. Just recently the IndyStar reported a domestic dispute that erupted in the front yard of a daycare. If a situation arises and it is difficult or impossible to use a phone, a properly installed panic button when pressed, will have police dispatched to your location immediately. With a verified audio system, panic alarms allow operators to hear exactly what is going on inside your daycare and relay important information to first responders.
Fire systems
– From the one room daycare, to the largest learning facility, all buildings should be equipped with a fire detection system. A monitored system will not only alarm if a fire is detected, but allow the caregivers to focus on the children while central station operators dispatch the fire department. Carbon monoxide levels can also be monitored with these systems to alert the occupants to leave the premises immediately and central operators to dispatch help. Annual fire testing can be added to provide the state or city fire marshal with their required documentation.
– Nanny cams and hidden cameras have become big news for catching criminal acts committed by home providers and day sitters. But you are very careful in how you hire your employees. So how can cameras help at your facility? Accountability becomes very clear when there is a camera running, both to workers and parents. And with the advancements in technology, you can instantly view these cameras on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Everything that happens at your facility can be caught on camera and reviewed at a later date. You can be everywhere, even if you can’t be there.
Access Systems
– The importance of limited accessibility to a daycare is a primary concern. The big problems discussed earlier are an unfortunate fact of your business. An access system can actually lock out these problems before they get into your building. Authorized users can be issued key fobs which can be programmed to open doors within certain hours. Key fobs and access cards can also be deactivated immediately if it becomes necessary to prohibit entry into the building. Online management is also available to report user entry with a date and time stamp. Controlled building access; at your fingertips.
Whatever the size of your facility, fire and security systems can provide peace of mind and allow you to successfully manage all aspects of the security of your building.
If you are looking for a provider, make sure to check state inspection and violation reports. In Indiana and Kentucky, these reports are available for online viewing.