The other day I downloaded a TV remote app on my phone! “So cool”, I thought. I was ready to never again look for the TV remotes that my one year old babies purposely hide from me! I waited while the 24.07 MB app loaded on my phone. Okay, it turns the TV on, a little slow, but maybe because I was to far away. Maybe I was fat fingering the “volume up” button when I was pushing it because it wasn’t doing anything. Then all of the sudden there was no delay! 40 decibels later and a sprint across the family room like Usian Bolt, I was finally able to silence the MegaDeth stereo version of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Needless to say, I will continue to look for the remotes…
The latest and greatest idea in home security is smartphone apps. It seems like everyone is on board the “app train” to sell you a security system. But do these apps work? Are they for you?
Having an app on your cell phone can be very convenient:
- You can check your app to make sure your children armed your security system when they left the house.
- Unlock your door for that out-of-town relative that just showed up.
- When you are on vacation, turn your lights on and off to make it appear as though someone is home.
- Adjust the temperature in your home.
- View cameras to check on things while you are at work or away.
Having all this at your finger tips can be very convenient to say the least.
Just remember, these are apps. They can “time out” on you or be very slow due to network communications which are out of the hands of alarm companies. If you are one of those people that wants to be in the ultimate “no people zone” when you go on vacation, an app on your phone may not be for you. Apps require cell phone communication and WiFi service to use your remote capabilities. And usually there is a delay when using any of these functions. So while you may tell the person on the phone that you have disarmed your system and unlocked your door, they may have to wait just a couple minutes before entering. Do not get in the habit of relying solely on your app.
The best recommendation – if you are leaving on vacation, make sure you put your house on “vacation mode”. Download our free Home Security Checklist for tips on securing your home while you are away.
In the end, find a trusted provider that will not just sell you something, but provide security solutions. Security systems should be designed to fit the user, not a price tag or a commission. Talk to them and show them your needs and how you intend to use your system. A good assessment will discourage you from purchasing something unnecessary or something that will not be useful to you.
And always remember:
Foresight is less expensive than hindsight.